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Defensive Driving: Nurturing Road Safe Driving Habits

Road accident is among the leading causes of death worldwide. In 2013, World Health Organization (WHO) recorded a shocking 1.25 million deaths globally that directly resulted from road traffic accidents. Sadly, the number keeps on rising annually despite efforts to educate and facilitate road safety on our roads.

There are many potential dangers on the road that can easily cause accidents. Always be alert to avoid danger. The principle of defensive driving is to be prepared for the unexpected by observing and anticipating potential dangers on the road.

Practical Application of Defensive Driving

Lets highlight some of the road potential dangers where defensive driving applies.

Other Motorists

Learner driver

If you happen to approach a learner on the road, you should be extra cautious with your driving and do not get too close especially when driving on a hill or inclined surface. The driver may not be able to balance acceleration and braking – the vehicle might stall and start rolling backwards.


Motorbike riders tend to cut in between cars or small spaces by the side of the road and they are hard to spot especially when coming from behind. Before you change lane or overtake or making a turn, be watchful of motorcyclists. Remember, when you spot two or more riders ready to come out at a junction and one has emerged safely, watch out for the rest suddenly decides to follow.

Pedal Cyclists

Be alert when driving behind a cyclist, he or she may suddenly decide to make a turn or may hit a stone or pot hole and wobble on the road.

Turning signal on a car ahead

Drivers often do not do what they have signaled. Be vigilant because they may forget to cancel a previous signal or they may change their mind.

Brake Lights on a car ahead

Make it a habit to slow down when you see brake lights on a car ahead even when you are at a safe distance and cannot see any immediate danger. There could be a potential danger ahead you had not seen and it is safe to warn traffic behind you.

Headlamps Flashing

Do not always assume another driver is signaling: “You go ahead, I will wait.” The message might mean: “I’m going ahead. You wait. ”

Siren Sounding

Often, when we hear siren sounding, we do not know where it is coming from and thus confusing our driving. It is always safe to slow down and maintain your side of the road. Do not move across a road junction until you are certain you will not be in the path of an emergency vehicle.

Parked Cars

When approaching parked car(s) be attentive on the following:
  • People inside – car door(s) may suddenly be opened.
  • Wisps of smoke from exhaust – car may be about to drive off.
  • Flashing indicator – car may drive into your path.
  • Feet visible under car(s) – may indicate individual(s) is about to cross across.

Roadside Signs

Bus Stops

Slow down and be alert when approaching bus stops since people may suddenly decide to cross the road or buses may pull in or out of the bus stop.

School/Hospital/Other facilities Signs

Do not speed past signs indicating a facility such as school because children or individuals may be crossing the road or vehicles may pull in or out of the facility.

Zebra Crossing

Be on the lookout of any pedestrian preparing to cross at the zebra crossing. You should scan well all the pavements on both sides of the road when approaching a zebra crossing.

Road-narrows Signs

Enter the continuing lane in good time and watch out for drivers cutting across.


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