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How to Save an Unconscious Choking Person

It is common knowledge to everyone, that chocking is simply caused by food or other objects blocking the airway. The victims find themselves not able to breathe and talk, before falling unconscious and if not treated they will die within minutes. Chocking is distinguished by instinctive violent efforts to breathe with accompanying coughs. In extreme cases, the skin may turn blue.

When you find a person lying unconscious and not breathing near an eating area, most likely it is a severe case of choking. Immediate aid is vital in saving the person’s life before ambulance or medical assistance arrives. It is very important to know what to do to manage the situation well without panicking.

Handling the Situation

·       Assess the scene to see if you are in danger of getting hurt yourself. This includes some obvious dangers like fire etc. There are also less obvious dangers like toxic fumes etc. This is very important because you do not want to hurt yourself and add to the possible death toll. This also is for the safety of the victim because it could be harder for them to receive treatment too.
·       If the scene is not clear of danger, pull or carry the casualty to safety and call the police or relevant authorities.
·       Immediately begin mouth-to-mouth respiration to force the air into the lungs until normal breathing resumes.
·       If, however, the lungs do not inflate with the first five breaths, roll the casualty onto the side nearest you, with his or her chest against your thighs and the head well back. Give up to four hard slaps on the back.
·       Look in the mouth to see if the obstruction has become dislodged. If it has, hook it out with a finger.
·       If not, turn the casualty onto his or her back and tilt the head well back. Straddle or overlap the casualty’s thighs, or kneel alongside. Put the heel of one hand between the navel and the bottom of the breast bone. Cover your hand with the other hand, and give a quick downward-and-forward thrust with your arms straight. Repeat the thrust up to five times.
·       Check the mouth to see if the obstruction has been dislodged. If it has, hook it out with a finger.
·      If not, resume mouth-to-mouth respiration. If the lungs again do not expand after the first two breaths, repeat the sequence of back-slaps, thrusts and mouth-to-mouth respiration.


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