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The perception of fatherhood in parenting is slowly evolving from being peripheral to being central. Young men are progressively embracing parenting and actively participate in raising their children. This is evident in Sweden where the government decided to implement the parental leave plan which campaigns for fathers with jobs to get as equal opportunity as mothers to raise their children. The parental leave plan generously give 480 paid days to the working parents to be away from work and go spend time with their children. These leave days are to be shared equally between the father and mother.

From the time when this leave plan was implemented, streets in towns across Sweden have been crowded with youngish bearded men carrying their babies in strollers or hanging out with toddlers at the public parks. This has become a common sight as confessed by a Swedish man who was quoted saying, “In Stockholm, it’s common to see four dads with expensive strollers hanging out in the park, in tight jeans, just-right white shirts, and nice leather shoes. It’s definitely a thing”. However, foreigners who are visiting in Sweden find it amusing.

Latte dad

Another common trend in Sweden is young men pushing strollers, going into a coffee café and having a latte. And because of their apparent taste of caffeine, they came to be known as ‘Latte dads’. While this may be frowned at by the older generation of men, the younger generation finds it sexy and being a modern man who values equality.

Latte dad is becoming a popular figure to represent a father who stay at home or substantially spend time wiping noses, changing diapers, and watching the children while their wives return to work. He is a true testimony from the efforts the society has put to improve gender equality.


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