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Awesome Benefits of a Cold Shower

Taking a cold shower in the early morning is probably not a wise idea to many but the few who do, rip the benefits that comes with it. Benefits? Yes, as much as it is nerve wrecking, cold shower has benefits that are quite amazing. Maybe, the only benefit that comes in mind is to help in cooling down when the weather is unbearably hot. Well, there is more and possibly won’t believe it.

Kindly do not take cold shower when ill or sick since it shall worsen the condition.

Increases Energy and Mental Alertness

This seems too far-fetched but it is perfectly true. The moment the cold drop of water hits your skin, the body gets shocked and instinctively reacts producing burst of energy to adapt to the sudden drop in temperature. Simultaneously, your mind becomes super active since it is acting on tons of information coming all areas of the body. Also, due to the shock, our breathing seems to hasten thus improving oxygen in-take making the heart rate rise and resulting to blood rushing throughout the body.

Improves Mood

Believe it or not, cold shower boosts good mood by helping the body release stress. It has been proven that cold water increases glutathione and regulates the levels of uric acid. This relieves the body, leaving you feeling more relaxed and happy.

Makes the Hair Shinier, Stronger and Longer

Probably, you have tried all sorts of hair-care products and you haven’t found one that gets the results that you want. Save the money and try cold water. Cold water makes the skin pores to tighten preventing the natural oils, which hair feeds, from escaping outside. This leaves the hair with enough ‘food’ to grow shinier, stronger and longer.

Improves Immune System

Contrary to the worry of catching common flu, cold shower improves the immune system since it makes blood circulation better and enables enough blood to surround all organs thus stimulating production of more white cells which are responsible for fighting harmful bacteria and virus.

Increases Fertility

According to research done on male fertility, men are advised to avoid hot shower especially when trying to conceive because high temperatures affects their reproductive system and lowers their fertility. So, men need to take cold shower to boost their fertility.

Fights Depression and Anxiety

The intense cold impacts the receptors in the skin, which send an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from the peripheral nerve endings to the brain. Thus, it produces an anti-depressive effect.

Makes the Skin Flawless

Everyone loves their skin to be flawless and smooth. Surprisingly, taking cold shower regularly will help to achieve it. Due to coldness, the skin pores tighten and become sealed blocking dirt and dust from entering under the skin. Hence, the skin is kept clean.

Reduces Body Weight

According to Joslin Diabetes Center, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, the body contains two kinds of fat; white and brown fat. White fat accumulates as a result of consuming more cholesterol than the body needs and it is deposited at the waist, neck, back and thighs. It is difficult to get rid of this type of fat.

Brown fat is considered to be better since it generates heat to keep the body warm. This body fat is stimulated by cold temperatures and it burns off easily.


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