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Defensive Driving: Nurturing Road Safe Driving Habits

Road accident is among the leading causes of death worldwide. In 2013, World Health Organization (WHO) recorded a shocking 1.25 million deaths globally that directly resulted from road traffic accidents. Sadly, the number keeps on rising annually despite efforts to educate and facilitate road safety on our roads. There are many potential dangers on the road that can easily cause accidents. Always be alert to avoid danger. The principle of defensive driving is to be prepared for the unexpected by observing and anticipating potential dangers on the road. Practical Application of Defensive Driving Lets highlight some of the road potential dangers where defensive driving applies. Other Motorists Learner driver If you happen to approach a learner on the road, you should be extra cautious with your driving and do not get too close especially when driving on a hill or inclined surface. The driver may not be able to balance acceleration and braking – the vehicle might stal
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7 Things Everyone Should Do Before Turning 30

When you clock 30 years old, your expectations and perceptions in life are never the same as when you are in your 20's. No pocket money from parents or guardians. No much free time to hang out with friends  and family or relatives as used to do. There are bills to pay. In short, life gives you so many responsibilities that you cannot afford to have pleasure of your own. The following are things you should do before turning 30 and you would not regret it. Visit a really exotic place Hook up with friends to go a really expensive place - hotel, holiday home or restaurant – and experience the best that life can offer. Spend a night or two under the stars Sign up for road trips or camps where you spend a night outside in the wilderness or by the lakeside inside a tent or a shack house. You shall best appreciate nature. Research your family tree Spend time to learn and meet your family relatives from both your paternal and maternal sides. You can never know when you

Awesome Benefits of a Cold Shower

Taking a cold shower in the early morning is probably not a wise idea to many but the few who do, rip the benefits that comes with it. Benefits? Yes, as much as it is nerve wrecking, cold shower has benefits that are quite amazing. Maybe, the only benefit that comes in mind is to help in cooling down when the weather is unbearably hot. Well, there is more and possibly won’t believe it. Kindly do not take cold shower when ill or sick since it shall worsen the condition. Increases Energy and Mental Alertness This seems too far-fetched but it is perfectly true. The moment the cold drop of water hits your skin, the body gets shocked and instinctively reacts producing burst of energy to adapt to the sudden drop in temperature. Simultaneously, your mind becomes super active since it is acting on tons of information coming all areas of the body. Also, due to the shock, our breathing seems to hasten thus improving oxygen in-take making the heart rate rise and resulting to bloo

Simple Yoga Exercise For Strengthening Your Eyes

Everybody’s workout routine generally concentrates in body fitness revolving around cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, speed, power, agility, balance, coordination, and reaction time. Obviously, this is in order to get in perfect shape and to have great body. However, there is a vital part of the body – the eyes – that are casually not given much attention. Could it be, they are taken for granted or they are assumed to have less impact in body fitness? Regardless, you should really exercise the eyes in your workout routines. This simple yoga will relax and strengthen the eyes helping to make the adjustments needed during everyday activities such as reading, driving or working in front of computer screen. The yoga can be performed anywhere and anytime. Step 1 With your fore-finger, touch the spot between your eyebrows. Gradually move your finger away, focusing on it as it moves and still continuing until your arm is fully extended. Hold th


Panic attacks whenever an expectant mother is just about to deliver a child. This is even more profound when the mother’s water break and no medical assistance is near. Majority of us become dumbfounded and remain clueless what to do. It is always important to be prepared with the basic knowledge of child-birth as it may help both the mother and the child. What You Should You Do To Prepare Before the labor kicks or between contractions, strive to make the following preparations – improvise where you can: Line the bottom of a cot (makeshift bed) with a folded blanket, shawl or towel. Fold another blanket in readiness for when the baby is born. Keep in mind a baby’s head is large in proportion to its body, so you do not need a pillow. If there is no cot, use a drawer or a cardboard box. Prepare a bed or a large clean surface such as a table for the mother to lie on. Spread a plastic sheet or newspaper over the surface and covet it with clean she

How to Save an Unconscious Choking Person

It is common knowledge to everyone, that chocking is simply caused by food or other objects blocking the airway. The victims find themselves not able to breathe and talk, before falling unconscious and if not treated they will die within minutes. Chocking is distinguished by instinctive violent efforts to breathe with accompanying coughs. In extreme cases, the skin may turn blue. When you find a person lying unconscious and not breathing near an eating area, most likely it is a severe case of choking. Immediate aid is vital in saving the person’s life before ambulance or medical assistance arrives. It is very important to know what to do to manage the situation well without panicking. Handling the Situation ·         Assess the scene to see if you are in danger of getting hurt yourself. This includes some obvious dangers like fire etc. There are also less obvious dangers like toxic fumes etc. This is very important because you do not want to hurt yourself and add to the p


UNESCO World Heritage Center is dedicated in identifying and recognizing places of cultural, historic, scientific or physical importance to humanity all around the world. In order for a place to be established as a UNESCO World Heritage site, it must be of outstanding universal value and meet at least one out of ten selection criteria . Undoubtedly, UNESCO World Heritage sites are phenomenal and not just any splendor place to visit. Thus, Thimlich Ohinga to be named among the 1,092 World Heritage sites, proves that Kenya has a rich heritage and beautiful sceneries. Here is a moment to be proudly Kenyan.   Thimlich Ohinga Pre-Historic Site Believed to more than 550 years old,  Thimlich Ohinga is a stone-built enclosed complex having walls that vary from 1.0 to 3 meters in thickness, and 1 to 4.2 meters in height. The walls were built from densely interlocking undressed rock blocks in place without using  mortar . Thimlich translates “frightening dense forest” and Ohinga