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3 Simple Techniques To Better Your Massage Skills

A relaxing and refreshing massage is very desirable especially after long hours of work or no rest. While it is widely considered to be a form of medical therapy, majority of us treat it to be a romantic gesture particularly when it comes from a sexual partner. So, it is very important to improve your massaging skills as it may be helpful, one day.

Let’s look at these simple techniques that will make you a master.


This gentle stroke is a good one to use at the beginning of your massage, because it helps you distribute the massage oil across the skin and delivers a general relaxation since it stretches the muscle fibers.


  • Hold your hands side by side, with the fingers together; your hands should be relaxed, but not uneven.
  • Glide your hands along the full length of the muscles, moving towards the head; on this stroke, keep your palms and fingers in contact with the skin, letting your hands feel the contours of the body.
  • Make a lighter return stroke, using only your fingertips.


This is kneading-like stroke and used after effleurage. Best places for this stroke are the back, upper chest, legs and buttocks. The stroke separates tight muscle fibers and helps rid muscles of waste products.


  • With your fingers outstretched, put the heels of your hands in the middle of the area on which you are going to work.
  • Push with the heel of hand in turn. Press quite hard, but not so hard that you hurt the person.
  • Do not use this stroke for too long on any one area.


This stroke is applied to a series of specific points or any part of the back where the muscles are stiff. Keep in mind to use little or no oil at all, because you may slip away from the point you are massaging. The main direction should be downward and circular. Also avoid pressing directly on the spine.


  • Slowly apply pressure to the point, using the pad of your thumb or index finger. Increase pressure gradually.
  • Rotate very slightly for about 10 to 15 seconds.
  • Release the pressure very gradually.
  • Repeat once or twice.
  • Use effleurage to relax the muscles.


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