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Hollywood is the one place almost anyone would not pass the opportunity to work and live there. And those who are blessed to be part of the community strife to grow their families stronger. However, the community is faced with challenges to keep families together since they are condemned to a lifestyle that is extreme which at times end up to be unhealthy for relationships.

Perhaps for Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith, who are one of the most influential names in Hollywood and entire showbiz, have coped to the Hollywood lifestyle too well to keep the fire burning in their relationship. Having met each other while working in Hollywood, they got married two decades ago and continue to be stronger in their union. This is unusual given majority of married couples in the community have not lasted in marriage as long as them.

Shifting Marriage Perception

Because they have been married for that long, their marriage seems too good to be real to skeptics who believe the two are heading for divorce, making a handful of suspicions like ‘they are both gay’, ‘they are in an open marriage’ or ‘they are swingers’. Such suspicions could be supported by them being tolerant and accommodative of each other’s independent lifestyle and gifting each other the freedom to be themselves. And it is clearly evident at an interview with HuffPost Live when Jada Pinkett-Smith said, “I’ve always told Will, ‘You can do whatever you want as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror and be OK. Because at the end of the day, Will is his own man. I’m here as his partner, but he is his own man. He has to decide who he wants to be and that’s not for me to do for him. Or vice versa.”

Her statement does not go parallel with what the larger society believes to be normal for a marriage relationship. Thus, sparking a fire to these suspicions that seems not to cool down. The suspicions turned into rumors which grew persistent to date until Will Smith responded in his recent freestyle ‘Messing around in the studio’ rap video, quoted saying “Y’all stop with the divorce rumors”. In addition, Jada Pinkett-Smith had earlier addressed these rumors in an interview with Sway’s Universe saying she does not pay attention to the rumors. She continued to emphasize that their relationship is unique and it will never break because Will is more like family to her than a husband.
Indeed, their marriage is unique and both consider themselves as ‘Life Partners’. Will Smith even said it during a Tidal ‘Rap Radar’ podcast.

“We don’t even say we’re married anymore. We refer to ourselves as life partners, where you get into that space where you realize you are literally with somebody for the rest of your life. Nothing she can do could change that! There’s no deal-breakers!” Will Smith told the podcast. This is wonderful according to Smith who continued to say, “This, right now, is the best time in my life, ever. I’ve never been happier.”

 Life Partners vs Married Couples

Well, it appears they have reached a greater and higher height in their marriage which majority of us have no idea how to get there. It is deemed impossible to get at the same level as them in normal marriage relationships since majority tend to follow the legality relating to marriage which make couples to have a sense of ownership towards their partner.

Definitely, their unique marriage relationship is a food for thought.


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